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Travel Care Services

Downtown Medical Group

Primary Care & Internal Medicine located in San Francisco, CA

Overseas travel can be a rich, rewarding experience, but not all travelers realize that some destinations involve health risks. The experienced medical doctors at Downtown Medical Group in Union Square in downtown San Francisco, can make sure that you’re informed about any health concerns for your destination and that you have all immunizations and medications necessary to stay healthy during your trip. The clinic offers individual and corporate travel care services to ensure you have a safe, enjoyable experience overseas. To schedule a travel health care appointment, call (415) 362-2630 today, or make an appointment online.

Travel Care Services Q & A

What are travel care services?

When you travel to some destinations outside of the United States, you may be exposing yourself to illnesses that you might never encounter at home. Travel care services include destination-specific immunizations, illness prevention education, and other resources that help you stay healthy so you can fully enjoy your travel experience.

Downtown Medical Group provides comprehensive travel care services to individuals and businesses.

How do I know if I need travel vaccinations?

Certain immunizations are recommended for travel to some locations; other vaccines are required for entrance into some countries. Travel immunizations protect you and your home community when you return from your journey. 

The yellow fever vaccine is the most common required vaccine for entering some yellow fever epidemic countries. Yellow fever is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes. Symptoms of yellow fever include fever, chills, headache, and muscle aches. Severe cases can lead to life-threatening complications.

Recommended destination-specific travel vaccines include:

  • Typhoid
  • Yellow fever
  • Polio
  • Hepatitis A

The experienced physicians at Downtown Medical Group also recommend that you make sure your routine age-specific immunizations are up to date before traveling outside of the US. 

All commonly recommended travel and routine vaccines are in stock on-site at Downtown Medical Group.

Do I need to bring travel medications with me?

If you’re traveling to a country where you could be exposed to malaria, it’s critical that you take malaria medication before and throughout the trip as a preventive measure. Sometimes, Americans contract traveler’s diarrhea in countries where certain bacteria are present in the water supply. Bringing medication for traveler’s diarrhea can shorten the duration of the illness and prevent severe complications from dehydration and other concerns.

The on-site pharmacy at Downtown Medical Group offers a full range of travel medications for your convenience, including anti-malaria pills and medications to treat diarrhea.

Which corporate travel care services are available?

Downtown Medical Group offers corporate travel consultations, which include in-person presentations and printed materials. Immunization and medication services can be included in the custom package designed to meet the specific needs of your business.

For more information about individual or corporate travel care services or to schedule an appointment for travel immunizations, call Downtown Medical Group today, or make an appointment online.